Monday, November 29, 2010

New Year tradition between Scotland & Hong Kong

  •  In Scotland they celebrate their new year in December 31st. But in Hong Kong they celebrate in end of January or Begin of February. In Scotland they depend on day but Hong Kong depend on moon to celebrate New Year.

  • To New Year day Scotland has some special foods…. Like Short Bread & Drinks also when someone goes to see relations that one has some thing to bring... That mean some traditional things…..coal. In Hong Kong they also have some special things... Like they eat in New Year mushrooms, Oyster. And when someone goes to see relation in that time Elders give some money with envelops.

  • In Scotland they clean their houses before the New Year come. After celebrate New Year they go to church to prey .This is in Scotland traditional one then Hong Kong they having new cloth & houses were decorated in Red color. And also goes t Temple.

                                                                                                    From: Manujaya(මනු)

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