Monday, November 22, 2010

Birthday cellibrations


Greasing the birthday child's nose with butter or margarine, because the birthday child is ambushed and their nose is greased for good luck.

They celebrated special dishes. Chicken, duck, or lamb curry with rice are main dishes. B'day child cut bakes a fruit, black or sponge. 

 They celebrate special year birthdays such as 5,10,15,20,21 are called 'crown' year birthday and decorate child's chair with seasonal flower or paper streamers.

  Floured.Their is singing and dancing to the beats of reggae music. the birthday child is floured.

 Mark on the for head. a certain mixture of rice yogurt and color is placed on the birthday child's for head for good luck.




The birthday child stands out in front of their class and chooses a friend to share a little dance while the rest of the class sings a happy birthday song.

                                                                    thank you
How is it?


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