Sunday, December 5, 2010

Wedding Invitation mail

Dear Theesa!

Hope all is well. How is your family?  When we met last time, at your birthday party, you were very busy and we couldn’t talk much about changes on our lives. Nothing to worry. We will meet soon if time permits you to attend my sister’s wedding.

The exact reason for this letter is to invite you for that occasion which will take place at Hilton Hotel, Colombo on Wednesday 22nd December. The ceremony starts at 2 P.M. but I would like to meet you well before that time, where we can take lunch together and talk about our lives.  I will send my driver to pick you up from Colombo Fort railway station. I would suggest you to take the late night train which will arrive at 9 A.M. Please confirm on this because I am running on a very busy schedule. I have arranged a special party for all our friends which will take place on the 25th just after the wedding.

You can reached me at 0775568456, 0112548796, because my old numbers have changed.

Wish you all the best!


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